Craig’s Corner February 2022

The Future is Here – Are We Ready?

Here in Montgomery County, our fiscal year 2022-2023 budget season is underway, and I’m sure that nearly all of you are also working on this annual activity.  As I was reviewing our budget schedule with our Board a few weeks ago, I realized that this is the 32rd year I have been involved in developing a municipal budget – how could that possibly be?  And further, considering I was in the private sector for over six years prior to moving into local government as a finance director, just how old am I, and where has the time gone?

In my previous columns, I’ve mentioned that we need to honor and give thanks to those who have served in this profession for many years, but that we also need to work hard to prepare the next generation of leaders to assume CAO roles in the years ahead. We are very blessed within VLGMA to have a number of young professional managers and assistants who are ready to take on greater roles within our communities, and within our organization.  One initiative that I intend to begin before my term as President is over is the creation of a forum/group for the “up and comers” in our profession, so that we can ensure that this group is getting the mentorship and training they need to carry our profession into the future at the highest level possible.  These men and women are eager to learn from those of us who have been in the profession for many years, and it is incumbent on us to provide them with the support they need to excel!  And, while I’m not ready to retire to the front porch rocking chair just yet, I want to be sure there are great options for my elected officials to select from once I do decide to move on to my next phase of life.

In the weeks ahead, please let me know how you would be willing to support such an initiative, either as a mentor, a coach, or as an “up and comer” who wants to help shape this group.  Our future leaders are already among us, and they are looking for support – let’s make sure we are providing what they (and we) need to carry our profession into the future.

I look forward to seeing you either in-person or virtually for “The Big Reveal,” our winter conference in Staunton in two weeks!  The conference will provide us with an opportunity to reflect and explore what the past few years have revealed about our communities, while providing innovative and creative ideas to move our communities forward based on those revelations. The conference begins on Wednesday afternoon, February 16th, with Felicia Logan sharing a presentation called “Project You,” where we will explore how we can refocus on our health, relationships, and well-being.  On Thursday morning, February 17th, our keynote speaker will be Dar Williams, a talented musician who has made many observations while traveling through many of our towns and communities.  Dar will entertain us while discussing what she calls “Positive Proximity,” that allows communities to become unique, prosperous, and self-reliant.  As always, there will also be a number of workshops and sessions during the conference with topics such as labor relations, cybersecurity, human resources issues, and updates from the General Assembly.  Please make plans to join us, and make sure you invite your “up and comers” to join us as well!

I am excited to share with you the new members of VLGMA – Natasha Joranlien, King William County Director of Finance; J. David Conmy, Sussex County Deputy County Administrator and Econ. Dev. Director; Alex Gottschalk, Mecklenberg County Deputy County Administrator; Ashley Reynolds Marshall, Charlottesville Deputy City Manager; Cari Orebaugh, Town of Broadway Director of Marketing & Dev/Special Projects Coord.; Samuel Sanders, Charlottesville Deputy City Manager and Steven Thompson, Retired. Make a point to reach out and say hello to these folks at our conference, and welcome them to our organization.

Please stay warm and in good health, and I wish you all the best in balancing those annual budgets!

Thank you for your service to our profession,



February 2022 VLGMA eNews


Civic Engagement February 2022